I am growing Anthurium as a hobby and also a way to earn money. It is having very good export market. I like to share my knowledge and experience with you.
Also like to thank Madam. Yamika Gurawardana owner of Mahima Plant Nursery, for giving me knowledge and courage to grow Anthurium flower. Mahima Plant Nursery is one of the biggest Anthurium exporter in Sri Lanka.
Growing Conditions
Light Bright, indirect light. Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Humidity Humidity is amount of water vapor in the air. When humidity is in perfect condition, flowers and leaves are bright and shiny. If flowers and leaves are rough humidity is not perfect.
Temperature Should not less than 15 0C. It is Ok to have 20-350C day time temperature, but at night it shout not less than 15 0C.
Shade In order to produce export quality flowers, must give them good and orderly shade. To provide this shade we must use Net House. Areas about 2000 feet above sea level 80% shade net and for areas about 2000-4000 feet, 70% shade net required.
Temperature, Humidity and Light is depending on the shade you provide. There for you must select good quality shade nets, also you are able to have good, healthy and export quality Anthurium farm.